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Elisabetta Cardella - These plants can kill

THESE PLANTS CAN KILL Dal 16 al 24 febbraio 2019 Inaugurazione sabato 16 febbraio 2019 ore 18.30 IpazziFactory via Palestro 21, Pisa Opere di Elisabetta Cardella Installazione interattiva a cura di Alma Artis - Accademia di Belle Arti Suono Massimo Magrini A cura di Carlo Alberto Arzelà "Un giardino pericoloso questo. Intrappolato nelle pietre, trafitto da spine, braccato da animali che mostrano i denti, circondato da insetti velenosi, fiori che avvinghiano fino a soffocarti. Occorre lottare. L’unica arma per uscirne vivi è la bellezza."

Stenia Scarselli

Scultrice ed artista orafa. Nasce a Volterra nel 1968, in una famiglia di artigiani alabastri. Dal padre scultore (Dolfo) eredita la naturale propensione al lavoro manuale. Inizia le prime sperimentazioni nel campo del gioiello nei primi anni ottanta, cimentandosi da subito con forme e materiali diversi dalla tradizione classica. Utilizza ferro, bronzo, schiume di alluminio, legno, accostandoli per contrasto a materiali preziosi. Estende la sua esperienza anche in campo scultoreo, realizzando nel 2004 un totem in acciaio inox tuttora collocato al PAC di Livorno e nel 2011 la sua prima scultura luminosa che la porterà, con un percorso inverso, a lavorare ad un progetto di gioielli luminosi, "i notturni", tuttora in fase di sviluppo. Ha partecipato a numerose mostre internazionali, in Italia e all'estero. Vive e lavora a Pisa.

Sculptor and goldsmith artist, Stenia Scarselli was born in Volterra in 1968 among a family of alabaster craftsmen.  She inherited a natural propensity for manual work from her father Dolfo, a sculptor. She started experimenting with jewellery in the early eighties immediately experimenting with shapes and materials different to the classic and traditional. She uses iron, bronze, aluminum foam and wood, combining them with precious materials. Her experience also extends to the field of sculpture.  In 2004 she created a stainless steel totem still in place at PAC in Livorno and in 2011 created her first illuminated sculpture that she is currently carrying through, in a reverse direction, into a project of illuminated jewellery called “nightlife”.  She has participated in numerous exhibitions both in Italy and abroad. Stenia lives and works in Pisa.

2014 to present,creation end running of  online shop 
Goldsmith, Verneegon; Pisa, Italy - 2001 - 2014
Self employed, ran a private jewellery studio and workshop in the city centre along with business partner and jeweller Susanna Baldacci. 
Goldsmith, Egon; Pisa, Italy - 1998 - 2001 
Self employed, ran my own jewellery studio and workshop independently in the city centre. 
Trainee Goldsmith and Precious Stone-Setter, La Bottega Orafa; Cascina, Italy - 1997 - 1998
Trained as a goldsmith and precious stone-setter. 
Trainee Goldsmith and Precious Stone - Setter, Marco Silvestri Goldsmith; Pisa, Italy - 1994 - 1997
Trained as a goldsmith and precious stone-setter.

Regional Course, Florence, Italy - Certified as Specialised Precious Stone-Setter, 1994
University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy - Degree in Literature and Art History, incomplete, 1988 
Art F. Russoli Art College, Pisa, Italy - High School Graduation Diploma, 1987 

Courses and Exhibitions
Collective Exhibition IL FILO ROSSO -LUCCA IN/OFF art fair at Spazio Officina  Lucca  maggio 2017 
Creativity Contest IL GIOIELLO SI METTE IN POSA at Creativity Oggetti Torino maggio-giugno 2017
Collective Exhibition BLOFT at Casa dello Zecchiere Milano aprile -maggio 2017
Collective Exhibition BLOFT at Palazzo Valmarana Braga Vicenza gennaio 2017
Collective Exhibition GIOIELLI IN FERMENTO at SOFA Chicago 3-6 november 2016
Collective Exhibition GIOIELLI IN FERMENTO at Reinstein Ross Gallery NYC 10 october 27 november 2016
Collective Exhibition AUREUS FEELING at Creativity Oggetti Torino ottobre 2016
Competition Torre a Fornello, GIOIELLI IN FERMENTO  Piacenza Italy 2016
Collective Exhibition ,Stenia Scarselli, SKIN -Museo del gioiello- Vicenza, Italy -2016
Barcellona art jewelry fair JOYA -2015
Collective Exhibition,Stenia Gioielli, La matière du bijou,italian contemporary creations,gallerie Maitre Albert,Paris, France-2015
Collective Exhibition, Stenia Gioielli, Quadrilegio; Parma, Italy – 2014
Collective Exhibition, Stenia Gioielli, Artistar Jewels Exhibition; Milano, Italy – 2013
Personal Exhibition, Stenia Gioielli, Studio Beatrice Meoni; Sarzana, Italy - 2013 
Collective Exhibition, Egon, Fifiefofum Art Gallery; Northumberland, England - 2011 
Collective Exhibition, Egon, School of Contemporary Jewellery; Florence, Italy - 2011
Collectve Exhibition, Egon, Studio 70m2; Livorno, Italy - 2011